Gap Funding and Down Payment Assistance Program

Thank you for taking the time to review this game changing service that

will you  100% financing for your current products. Gap funding and

down payment assistance without placing a lien on the property.

The basic qualifications are simple

*Minimum 660 Credit Score. (some lower score are accepted case by case)

*Minimum of 3 established credit lines

*No more than 12 inquiries in the last year

*No more than 30% credit usage

We will review file credit and provide a quote within 24-48 hours.

$20,000 to $400,000 cash in is in 5-7 days.

The Cash is unsecured and no collateral is needed.

Cash can be used for any purpose without putting a lien on any property.

Getting started is fast and easy. I will send you the application.

Meanwhile, please gather the items on the attached needs list.

Go to to obtain tri-merge credit report

There is no start upfront fees, processing fees or application fees.

One time back end fee applies.

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