If a post or comment begins with the following words, I would run the other way:

Good day, Am a private lender, Are you looking for a US based lender, or if someone calls themselves Mr, Mrs, or calls you Sir or Madame. All these are red flags that shout scam, or at the very least, someone from outside of this country. Also, if their phone number is posted showing a number 1 before the area code, this is a RED FLAG!

If their email address is a Hotmail account, stay away. No lender would use Hotmail, it is the universal sign for scam. Gmail and yahoo are all fine. I used a Gmail account back when I was a lender. If it is a small lending shop with only a few employees, there is no reason for a lender to have their own specialized email account.

If a lender offers 100% funding on a commercial property, run the other way!!! One exception, Joint Venture funding will sometimes go to 100% in exchange for an equity percentage of the property. Other than that, there is NO 100% commercial funding.

If you need a lender, use a United States based lender with REFERENCES!


Views: 630


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Comment by Joe Bennett on July 20, 2015 at 7:59pm
Good stuff. It's always good to hear the opinion of someone that really knows. Thank you!
Comment by Craig Mayes on July 1, 2015 at 9:55am
Good post. Very helpful.
Comment by Jay Pasquarille on June 26, 2015 at 1:18pm

This is very awesome that appreciate the information that you have given I was confronted with one today appreciate this info so I took it your advice before hand because he wanted $1600 to send him and he would give us the $45,000 in the mail on the MasterCard. That's why I ran away from it. Thank you

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