$Big Dollars Come from Small Businesses!

I can understand how some brokers, investors etc have a track of which they desire to operate and in most cases will not deviate. I remember someone saying if you get one dip into a honey jar which one of three would you do it? The answer is the one most likely to pay off. With this being the case, I suggest to spread a million $ across the board reduces the risk as opposed to putting it all into one project. 

Due to the recent downturn in our economy, there is a serious need for those who can afford to lend to small and start up operators to do so without all of the red tape that is normally required to do a deal. Those who are willing to invest in our network will find themselves in a position such as the Rockefeller's and the Mellon's from the past (very well off!).

I can see where many start up's will be leading the nation in new business development and revenue in the next three years! Those who are willing to invest small amounts of 10, 25 and 50 k increments will appreciate earning double digit returns based on the demand of local Micro Businesses.

To get a better understanding of Micro Business Enterprises, while stimulating our nations economy visit www.coastalbusinesscenter.com / investments. 

You will begin to see just how our nation can and will recover from the turmoil that began in New York, & Washington D.C during the Too Big Too Fail Bailouts.. It is important that we remember, "For the people, Of the people and By the people!  We the people of this great land can and will restore this nation to even higher plains than ever before!

And although I am a native of Washington D.C. I actually do not like politics! However, I do enjoy small business development!    


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