65% ARV Lending Nationwide ( Major Cities Perferred) Rehab and Purchase Included Interest Only Payments Rates starting at 12% Terms 12-60 months Can close in 20 Days Call 877-570-5594 or email ag29577@gmail.com
Have an email address? Where should I send them to?
Please confirm receipt and advice, Many thanks, Best regards, Francisco De La Chesnaye Direct: 702 605 0220 fdelach@hotmail.com (Personal Account) Mail@OCFPrivateLending.com www.OCFPrivate Lending.com
Have some deals I'd like to submit for your 65% of ARV. How can I go about it?
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Please confirm receipt and advice, Many thanks, Best regards, Francisco De La Chesnaye Direct: 702 605 0220 fdelach@hotmail.com (Personal Account) Mail@OCFPrivateLending.com www.OCFPrivate Lending.com
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