Six and seven figure incomes exist to take care of yourself and your family. We buy houses, we invest in stock or real estate. What do you do with the left over money? For me, I like to help the homeless. You may help out or donate to the Humane Society, Salvation Army, your Church, or literally hand money and food to the homeless like I do. Whatever you are doing to improve the lives of struggling humans, stray dogs and cats, the handicapped, it is all good. If you like, please post about it here. Your words and acts of kindness inspire others to do the same. Wouldn't it be a great world if we all helped out those that are struggling? Let's make it happen!


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Comment by Jamie Cafaro on January 13, 2023 at 7:05pm

In love with you, and not just for your looks. What you are doing now, the way you use your position to change lives. Words can't even describe my feelings about this! This is so good!

Comment by Admin on January 13, 2023 at 6:52pm

Hi Friends!

To those of you that purchased discount-priced Email Blasts last week knowing that 100% of the money raised will be used to help Spokane Washington's huge homeless population, I would like to say a huge thank you. One fine individual donated $300 but does not want his name mention which is no problem at all. All together we raised $590. I used the money to spend about $70 on snacks, waters, and new socks at Fred Meyer. We also bought hot food at both Carl Jr. and Taco Bell and walked up and down the street passing it out to the homeless. I handed $20 bills to several nice homeless people and gave $40 to two of them that I could tell really needed the help.

I realize that I look like a Police Officer so I probably freaked out a few of these people but several of them were extremely grateful. I shook hands with dozens of them, and several of them gave me hugs. One guy hugged me and whispered "I was having such a tough day today but meeting the two of you gives me hope". I actually teared up a little bit when he whispered that.

I have decided that this is what I want to do... help people that are struggling and need some kind words, a few bucks, a meal, or just a smile. Zane and I are going to do this once a month. I will do a different promotion each time. There was a time a few years ago when I did email blast promotions and often took in $1000 or $1500 each time. Those days have gone and now I usually bring in a few hundred bucks, if that. Now that I am going to be using the money to help the homeless, and eventually other groups of people, I will only do these promotions once a month. It would be really nice if, between 17,000 of you, we could raise at least $1000 a month that I can use to directly assist these struggling people. If just forty of you give $25 a month, that would make a huge difference to these people that have it so tough in their lives. Many of them are suicidal and just a little boost makes a huge difference to them! Totally up to you if you want to get involved but please know it is greatly appreciated when you do.

No last names but to G, Jeffrey, and Dwight... you made a difference!

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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