ANW For Performing Note Investors


ANW For Performing Note Investors

Location: Renton Washington
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Aug 20, 2015

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Comment by Kerry La Von Vaught on August 20, 2015 at 6:05pm

Real estate was something We looked at but buying and selling and fixing and flipping or renting but it all seemed a little risky and required more knowledge, more time and more money than most people have.

I just bumped into mortgage notes by accident but as soon as I finally understood them I had an epiphany (a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence); mortgage notes are simply mortgages. You have probably seen someone buy a mortgage at a discount before. When you bought your home, within 2 or 3 weeks you got a letter stating that someone else had purchased your mortgage and you would be sending your payments to a different address.

This is not a new industry. It’s been going on for years but the average American has never heard of it. You can buy a real estate note for as little as $10,000. Why is a mortgage note the best place to put your money? There are no hidden fees like when you buy mutual funds, annuities or insurance. Notes can be used in your IRA unlike insurance.

When you buy a note you are not the property owner, you are the bank. You don’t pay for maintenance, property tax or insurance. You simple receive a mortgage payment ever month. You know what the payment will be so you can plan ahead. If the payments are not made you can take the collateral which you got at a great loan to value.

You can roll your 401(k) or IRA into something that pays double digit guaranteed interest. Planning your future becomes much easier when you know what you are making.


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