

Hi Friends!

I am very involved in Cryptocurrency as an investment. I realize this is not a Crypto website but I own this website and I think there are many people on here like myself that invest in Crypto. Let's talk about it! Share your expertise, recommendations, and ask questions. 

Let's help each other make money with Crypto!

Members: 66
Latest Activity: Nov 20, 2023

Discussion Forum

Bitcoin Mining/Investment Opportunity

Started by Matthew Clarke Jun 21, 2022. 0 Replies

Hello,Don’t depend on your monthly income alone; you can also stay at home and earn more if you have Coinbase/Luno/blockchain/Localbitcoin/BRD wallet. You can earn up to $10,000 BTC and more in one…Continue

Upfront commission fees

Started by Steven Kowalski. Last reply by John Jamison Dec 8, 2021. 1 Reply

I have started a BTC trade from an online broker. Unbeknownst to me, and my fault for not vetting them, they will not allow you to withdrawal my earnings unless I pay their 20% commission before I…Continue

Investment in cryptocurrency

Started by Morgan Davidson Jun 18, 2021. 0 Replies

there are many more way one can also invest and get back profit through a more well experience expertContinue


Started by Carlos Cortez Jun 16, 2021. 0 Replies

so how are we going to help each other investing in crypto.? i know by investing but more details are needed, you guys agree?Continue

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Comment by Admin on September 2, 2021 at 7:05pm


If you are literally just buying the "big three" which is Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin then I recommend using Robinhood or Coinbase because the purchase can be done very easily. These are reputable sites/apps that are publicly traded, and it is easy to sell your crypto if you decide to do so.

If you are getting "deep alt crypto" which basically means those ridiculous meme coins and other themed new releases that have little to no function whatsoever then Trust Wallet, Gemini, or allow you to do this. Gemini over the other 3 by far although they charge high fees, they are very reputable and customer service is easy to deal with. Once the Safemoon Wallet is perfected which should be in the next couple weeks then that will be a good place for alt coin purchases as well.

* I am not a Financial Advisor, just a guy that uses his brain.

Comment by Gina Henson on September 2, 2021 at 6:55pm

I have already learned so much about crypto just from this page so I say build the cryptocurrency website. I will join you!

Comment by Simmy Ahluwalia on September 2, 2021 at 7:18am

What's the best trading platform to sign up with to start purchasing Bitcoin stocks?

Comment by Anthony Neal on September 1, 2021 at 5:31pm

Build the crypto website big guy! I am in!

Comment by Admin on September 1, 2021 at 5:27pm

Hi Vernon. Yes, I am considering starting a new Crypto website. If I do, I will Email Blast all of you with an invite. In the meantime, just research what you buy before you do. Dogecoin will never have anywhere near the upswing that it did last spring so putting money into that will not be a big game changer. I don't know much about Cosmo but can say that I am a big fan of Ethereum so good move with that one. It is up significantly today.

Comment by Vernon Dean on September 1, 2021 at 3:44pm

If you do start a cryptocurrency website I will definitely join up. I am new to crypto but I am very attracted to the potential gains. I realize that only a smaller percentage of crypto investors make the kind of gains that you do so I would like to have a website where I can learn more before making larger purchases. I recently bought 3 but in very small amounts ($150 on 2 and $100 on another). I bought Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Cosmo. The only one that seems to be making me a return is Ethereum. Those returns have more than paid for my small losses on the other two so it has worked out well so far. I look forward to learning more so that I can potentially see the larger returns that some of you have experienced.


Comment by Simmy Ahluwalia on August 31, 2021 at 1:32pm

I agree!!  Can Monty or someone else who is well versed schedule a Crypto 101 Zoom class?  

Comment by Admin on August 31, 2021 at 10:46am

Hi Glenn.

Most people just throw money at new Cryptocurrencies and hope for the best. That is not at all what I do. I like money and do not want to throw it away on a hope and a prayer. It takes me 5 minutes to research a new Crypto to decide if I want to invest. I will not go into too much detail here in this space but if you consider that Bitcoin has a market cap of $880 or so Billion, and the only Crypto that will ever potentially exceed Bitcoin in market share is Ethereum, than throwing those two aside, consider Market Cap Rate. If Dogecoin is at $54 Billion right now and is literally flooding the world with thousands of new coins every day and trading at $.28 per token, Dogecoin will NEVER make another person rich again. I got in early, made several thousand dollars, and got out, all within a couple months because I did the research and knew it could only go up so much before it crashed. The same applies to all Crypto. Consider Market Cap Rate, amount of total coins produced, where it trades today, it's actual function to help society, and it's specific genre (who it is designed to help). Does it have a real life application that could help others like The Sandbox, Safemoon, Litecoin, or Pornrocket ("help" is a relative word here hahaha)

If you want to be "safe" then I like Ethereum and Litecoin as long term investments. They aren't going anywhere and year over year they go up. No research needed on those two. For the newer, smaller ones, There are a dozen or so that show significant long term investment potential. With Crypto, high earning potential is much higher, but so is the potential loss.

I will start a Crypto website soon which will show how to properly research. For now, this is all I can do as I am not a Financial Advisor. I am simply a guy that likes money and tries to make smart common sense decisions. Below are my "thoughts" on some Crypto's that look good to me. I have money in ALL of these and many others:

Ethereum - The King of Crypto and second largest in market share

Litecoin - Real world functionality, great speed, very useful

Safemoon - Good long term potential





Hope this helps at least a little.

* I am not a licensed Financial Advisor!

Comment by Glenn Pearson on August 31, 2021 at 10:17am

I'd love to learn more about Crypto.  Being a more traditional Investor (Equities, Bonds, Preferred Shares Real Estate), I really haven't a clue how to evaluate them to make informed investment decisions.  Is there some sort of a starter manual that's of any use this group can suggest I start with.

Most people I've spoken to who invest in this space are throwing darts and hoping to get lucky and that's just not how I do things.

Any feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks

Comment by Admin on August 30, 2021 at 1:01pm

Louis, yes I own some CELO. Not a lot of it but it was up over 60% today the last time I looked. Crypto is really very easy to profit from. You just need to research carefully before making your purchase. Research, common sense, and being realistic are the ways to make money with a Crypto investment.


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