We have funding available up to 500 MILLION!

Debbie Landy


#1 Resource Remedy


We are able to mediate loans for...
• Small Business Ventures
•  Franchises
• 100% Joint Venture Equity 
• Large Scale Debt Financing
• Small Balance Financing
• Apartment Equity Participation
• DIP Financing
• Non-Recourse Loans for Multi-Family & Assisted Living 
• Commercial Bridge/Hard Money
• Mezzanine Programs
• Loans for Income Producing Properties
• Commercial Land Development Loans
• Stock Loans

We are even able to providing your business with the captial you need For things such as:
• Working Capital
• Purchasing Inventory
• Facility Expansion
• Renting, buying or leasing equipment 
• Hiring additional staff
• Launching a marketing campaign

We are looking to fund All Types of Properties:

Construction                       Mobile Home Parks                         Low Income House

Marinas                              Light Industrial                                 Car Washes

Warehouses                       Office Buildings                                Restaurants

Shopping Malls                  Apartment Buildings                         Self Storage Units

Funeral Homes                  Bed & Breakfasts                             Hotel/Motels

Assisted Living                  Parking Structures                            Retail Stores

Medical Facilities               Oil/Gas                                             Alternative Energy


Call me!  912-695-0410  Let's get this process started TODAY!

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