Looking for a investment partner that will provide a warehouse line of $100,000,000.

Warehouse line will be Secured by real estate and short term investments.

More detail will be provided to qualified parties.




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Hi Kenneth,

I have a client that is looking for an investor/JV/lender partner that is willing to put up anywhere from $5-100 million.

The funds would be treated as a warehouse line and would be secured by short term residential loans.

Controls and protections are in place to provide the investor a good return and security.

Owner occupied borrower equity would range from 25-30% equity. We would expect that the loan would be a loan to value not to exceed 75% max and not to exceed 70% loan to cost.

Let me know if you have a client or contact that would have an interest and we can discuss the program further.

My client is an established and qualified mortgage lender with the ability and network to lend across multiple states.

We can discuss all of the protection features in place on a conference call with my client should you like to proceed.

This program can be customized to fit the JV Partner/Investor/Lender requirements needed.

A  projection with assumptions is being e mailed to you as well as a write up on the client.







I would appreciate hearing your thoughts.


Have a great weekend.




James please see our program below:

International Investment banking group providing 100% funding either debt or equity or combination worldwide! We fund based on the project strength not LTV or LTC.   We are interested in the Energy, Technology, Mining, Real Estate and Business- (lines of credit, working capital, contract financing, purchase order financing, factoring, etc.) sectors. 30 year proven track record!  

We offer terms that are bank rate or better. No front fees. Principals must cover third party cost prior to closing. Our market is domestic and international. Replies private or contact me directly. We will need an executive summary with proforma or actual income statement for 3-5 years, use of funds statement and exit strategy showing timeline for repayment along with bio/resume of Principal and their team.

We provide funding for the borrower’s capital request in the form of debt, equity or a combination and allow all documented expense and fees paid by the borrower to be stacked on top of the funds requested.  We can offer a moratorium on payments until the project is stabilized and cash flowing if the timeline to stabilization is reasonable.


(The following remark is not intended to offend but stated because of so many request from those who believe that all cost can be paid from closing proceeds):

 “If there are no funds available to cover project cost and principals expects the lender to pay the necessary cost to determine if the project is lendable, close and fund the project and get their expenses from the loan proceeds then no one I know of can help you.”   I have 28 years experience in this industry and have never seen that happen with lenders in the US, Western Europe or anywhere else.

Ron Coleman


nepcoinc@att.net  770-572-7765; nepcoinc1 -Skype

Hi Ron,

My client is looking fro a JV partner but would consider a lender relationship.

I can send a projection and background on the company if interested.

The invested funds will be used to make residential construction loans and will be secured.

If interested reply to my e mail and provide more specifics.






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