In many cases your deal was probably feasible, but due to all the "junk fees" or "garbage fees" from CONSULTANTS or MIDDLE MEN pretending to be A DIRECT LENDER there was not enough equity and the deal died.

DON'T SIGN ANYTHING UNTIL YOU LET ME REVIEW YOUR LOAN SCENARIO!  I will try and do it as a NO UPFRONT POINT LOAN, and if I can't do it I will try and find someone who can AT NO CHARGE!!

Steve X. Dao,

Wholesale Commercial Account Executive

Velocity Commercial Capital

CA DRE Broker#01327633    NMLS#869952

30699 Russell Ranch Rd, Suite 295

Westlake Village, CA 91362

PH 866.505.3863 ext. 346

PH 818.338.9546 – direct #

FAX 818.338.9746

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Steve,

My name is Jim Ali. I represent a real estate investment and management group whose principal focus is on the Residential Lease Purchase (RLP) niche, frequently referred to as Rent-to-Own. We are located in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, a solid real estate market. Do you work with Canadian Corporations? I have provided a brief synopsis of who we are and what we do.


Our vision:

Within three years, we will be the leading and best real estate investment group concentrating on this market niche in Ontario. We believe reputation and results are critical to achieving our vision; our values can be summarized as:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Transparency

In all our dealings and activities.

Business Model:

Our business model is founded on five pillars:

  • Buyer - the client who will occupy and purchase the property at end of lease term (generally 2 -5yrs.)
  • Investor - our joint venture participant(s) whose funds and/or name will make the property acquisition possible.
  • Team - the professionals (realtors, lawyers, mortgage brokers, property inspectors) upon whom we rely to find and close an acquisition.
  • Strategy - the repetitive proprietary processes that will create a win for all participants.
  • Returns - providing above average returns to our investors in the range of 8 – 16% annually depending on the investment choice you decide upon.


Our objective:

We will make certain that for each purchase/lease/sale transaction there is a balance between ensuring the client/buyer will fully meet his/her commitments, and maximizing financial returns for our stakeholders and ourselves.  To reach our goals, and those of our associates, we do our utmost to buy right and manage the client relationship throughout to make certain the property sells at the end of term.


I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you at your convenience and discuss our program in greater detail. You can reach me at 289-442-3560 or via email at


I look forward to hearing from you.




James Ali

Vice President of Business Development, Investor and Client Relations

Grand River REI Inc.



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