Unsecured Business Capital-4% Interest Only Deferred Payments for 1 Yr and Global Projects

Below is an email from  our Funding group for projects here in the USA and International projects for direct Project Owners and Principal Borrowers that also have some liquidity that they can provide iinto the project and this Funder and the Structured Finance Director that i am direct with can offer dioverse options and alternative funding mechanism if you follow their process and they can fund projects in the areas of:Commercial Real Estate,Alternative Energy,Biofuels,Oil and Gas projects, Waste to Energy projects,Large Scale Developments,Infrastructure Development projects. and Water and Medical Projects and Transportation and Resorts.Below are some of the project funding programs my Finance Director and his various Private Financiers.


****Attached in this email is the required Intake Form the Funder and Finance Director need filled out as it applies to your Project or Asset*****


If you are in need of a very proven and capble alternative option for Funding your projects,contact me and I can also have the Principal speak with our Finance Director who I am direct to.


Don Carter

Facilitator to Funder




 I’m the  Structured Finance Director responsible for pre-screening borrowers for funding.


We represent various Private Capital Financiers who have their own sweet spot when it comes to working capital and funding projects. 


Whether you’re seeking Short Term Business Capital or Major Project Funding, we have several financial solutions to satisfy your needs including a couple of New funding programs that soon will becoming available which are 100% Private Money Project funding and JV Import/Export Trade Finance,but will notify when they are available.


How We Work

As a bespoke alternative funding resource, our first objective is to analyze your situation to determine whether you’re eligible for any of our funding schemes. If so, we’ll structure a strategy most appropriate for your situation.


Do I Qualify?

The Financiers and funding strategies we use are based upon the following factors:


-Whether or not you require a temporary Cash Advance, or 

$5M-$500M in Major Business Capital

-The Viability of your business

- The Nature of the project (Housing, Energy, Medical, etc)

-Whether or not you have Existing Revenue

-The Use of Funds

-The Size of the funding request

-The Geographic Region of the project or client

-Existing Cash Reserves

-Future Cash Flow Projections


 To be taken seriously, all principles must have a well constructed Business Plan, Executive Summary, or Pitch Deck.  Fees may apply if one must be constructed on your behalf or significant adjustments must be made to your existing plan. 


Our Funding Propositions

Non-Recourse Capital - Great alternative for project funding, replacing existing debt, or buying back outstanding stock. Non-recourse capital is strictly based upon $5M or more in cash reserves. Cash Deposits do not move, but safely “grow” to meet your targeted funding goal.


Business Cash Advance - Fast capital based upon outstanding invoices or three-month average account balances in excess of $15k. Approval in as little as 24 hours.


$5M-$500M  Unsecured Business Capital

Funding Suited for Seasoned Entrepreneurs who have a well-constructed Business Plan, Pitch Deck


Unsecured Business Capital Features

99.995%- 99.999% Financing

- 4 Fully Amortized or Interest Only

5 to 25 years  

- One Year Deferred Payments

- 1 Point at closing deducted from the loan

- No Collateral Required


In lieu of collateral, the principals must pass the scrutiny of an A Rated Financial Surety company after the loan is approved. The Financial Surety protects the lender in the event of default.


General Premium Rates 

Loan Amount           Premium

500K- 3M                 3%-5%

3.5M-10M                1%-2%

10.5M-100M            1%

140M-500M        .1%-0.5%



GAP Funding may be made available for the majority of the insurance premium.  Contact us for further details.


Unsecured Business Capital Funding Process

Step 1) After an initial consultation, the borrower will complete the Commercial Cash and Credit Investment Banking Intake form.

Step 2) Should we feel as though sufficient fundamentals are In place to accept your case, you’ll be asked to supply supporting documents and complete the necessary paperwork to retain our services.

Step 3) Upon receipt of the engagement docs, you’ll be guided through the pre-qualification process with our Financier.

Step 4) Upon approval, the borrower shall receive a pre-approval letter from the Financier laying out the terms and conditions.  

Step 5) The borrower signs and returns the Memorandum of Understanding accepting the terms and conditions of the loan.

Step 6) Funding Your Enterprise. Prior to releasing the funds, It will be the responsibility of the borrower to meet all the outstanding conditions of the lender. Unsecured capital over $5M may require a Financial Surety.


Note: Procedures may vary depending upon the nature of your funding.


Erasing Outstanding Debt    

By invitation only, once your capital is received, it may be prudent to block as little as $10M in your own account for the purpose of erasing outstanding debt. In doing so, we’ll introduce you to a safe “sinking fund" strategy designed to allow you to be debt-free within 18 months or less.


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