I am seeking a direct lender that will do stated income loans on high-end resort properties in Colorado.

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Hello Monte, 

Please call me at 818-530-0294 to further discuss some details about your loan. 

Thank you, 

Diego Bedoya

Thanks, let me know.


I flip houses in North Alabama. I would be interested in a loan to purchase and rehab single family homes. Do you loan on this type of project? What info would you need? How does the process begin? Do you have a min loan amount?


Eric Larder


Faster Home Solutions, LLC.

 I am looking to purchase a restaurant with the land in Florida  It has a great cash flow  Approx 400k annually   I do have some of my own funds to put as a down payment  but i am looking to make a cash offer to get a better deal   I do not have all the paperwork on this project yet  I will be heading to Florida by the end of next month   How high on the LTV do you think your investors/lenders will go?   Also  i have a partner of mine who will be in on this project with an FICO Score of 800    You can reach me anytime at  908-447-8107  Thank again

We help fund 80% of the acquisition. The 20% can be cash or collateral. 

We help fund entire construction. 100% of construction costs are done in a draw process. We are taking on new projects. Up to 2MM
We like major cities. We will look into other areas case by case.
To discuss our program futher let's set up an appointment.
877-570-5594 or email ag29577@gmail.com



Please find attached information on a stated loan program. Call me should you have any questions.


Arnold Walker


These won't necessarily be investment properties, mostly 2nd or vacation home. Is that a problem?

They must be investment properties.

HUUUGE! LTVs Hard Money Mike 443-838-9563

Stated up to 5M. Need 650 credit.

Ft. Myers FL. Since 1971. fishermike50@gmail


 I am looking to purchase a restaurant with the land in Florida  It has a great cash flow  Approx 400k annually   I do have some of my own funds to put as a down payment  but i am looking to make a cash offer to get a better deal   I do not have all the paperwork on this project yet  I will be heading to Florida by the end of next month   How high on the LTV do you think your investors/lenders will go?   Also  i have a partner of mine who will be in on this project with an FICO Score of 800    You can reach me anytime at  908-447-8107  Thank again

Please reach out to me at (203) 327-3327 or mdeibel@knightheadfunding.com.  I am a direct private equity lender based in Greenwich, Connecticut and I lend nationwide.

Interested to talk.email smartenergyhouses@gmail.com.Your email doesn't work!


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