I have a source that is offering the following Short-Term Funding:

Loan Amount:  $25k - $7 million

Terms:  6 months to 2 years

Properties:  Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Raw Land

Loan Functions:  Bridge, Down-Payment, Soft-Cost cover for ARV development or construction loans.

Are you seeking money for "skin-in-the-game"?

Are you seeking money to buy-out a partner?

Are you seeking money for a mortgage refinance cash-out?

Send me a summary of your project or business plan to samcthomas45@gmail.com

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Hi Samuel,

Do you do financing in Texas? I am looking for short term loan 3-6 months $10k, or cash out refi an investment property. Please let me know as soon as you can.  Or, anyone know to get a personal loan using equity as collateral?


Loan Amount $25,000 to $7 million

We can do Cash-Out-Refinance on investment property.

Send me complete details with your phone number.

Samuel, I replied to your email, please check.


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