Seeking Help To Purchase Recording Equipment for DDT Productions as well as Money For Taylor's HappyTime Daycare Center

I am asking for help in purchasing more updated recording equipment for DDT Productions. I have already purchased a dvd recorder. Need help in purchasing a cd recorder and cd burner that burns multiple copies at once. The burner I am looking at also burns multiple dvds as well. Also need to purchase a digital camcorder. As of right now, I record with a big and bulky vhs recorder and burn dvds from the vhs tapes. Total needed to upgrade is about $1,500.

Taylor's HappyTime Daycare could use help. We are purchasing a building from our church.We have been in it about 10 years now. We only owe $6,000 to complete the purchase. Last winter the heating went out so we used another location. This summer the air went out. We used fans but we would like to upgrade to a heating/ac unit. We are also needing to purchase a bus. About $15,000 would get us on track, but any assistance for either business would be greatly appreciated.

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My  name is Felix and I am a Finance Specialist. We can help you.
Call my partner Courtney Lawrence and she will talk to you about  the kinds of funds we provide. Also go to our website. For any questions please  to hesitate to reach us.
Felix And Courtney Lawrence:
Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949)  309-2731

Thank you. As soon as I get home from work, I will call. Thank you again.


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