My client is seeking 20M USD for a TeleHealth Concern in USA....
Worldwide TeleHealth is the leading marketing arm of US Tele-Medicine (USTM), one of the premiere providers of comprehensive telemedicine services throughout the United States. Worldwide TeleHealth is aggressively marketing USTM’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program to hospitals, universities, private organizations, government agencies and state Medicaid programs nationwide.  The all-inclusive program includes all training, medical devices, installation, maintenance, communications, PCP/MD access to EMR, and 24/7 monitoring.   The RPM tablet devices provide instant connectivity to doctors 24/7, satellite connectivity, and broadband connections with HL7, military level encryption. USTM/Worldwide Telhealth is licensed in every state and utilizes a unique business model that incurs no cost to the hospital or state, as well as results in immediate health care costs savings and significant reductions in readmission rates of chronic patients. 
The response has been extremely positive and Worldwide TeleHealth is close to concluding a number of contracts.   Most of these renewable three year contracts will generate over a million a year in commissions to Worldwide TeleHealth. These commissions will increase substantially as the network for these contracts expands. As a result of our outreach programs, there has been a steady flow of institutions contacting Worldwide TeleHealth directly requesting further information and presentations on our turnkey telehealth solutions. Hospitals, doctors, government agencies and private organizations have all expressed keen interest.
Remote Patient Monitoring reduces readmission of chronic care and managed care populations, thus reducing federal penalties associated with readmission.   Additionally, because RPM is billable, a 100-bed hospital could realize upto $7,500,000 in annual profits through utilization of RMP.
Overall benefits of RPM:
·         A significant increase in hospital profits
·         Reduces readmission and inpatient days and penalties associated with readmission
·         Provides actionable data, advanced analytics, and reporting
·         Better allocation of staff and reduction in overhead cost
·         Improves care planning and delivery
·         Increased population base of patients and expanded geographic reach
·         A happier and healthier patient population through patient engagement
Currently, Worldwide TeleHealth has no competition.  There are companies providing bits and pieces of what the Worldwide TeleHealth’s RPM program offers, but not full service complete packages for telemedicine that can be rolled out and ready to produce revenues for our clients from inception. Taking into consideration that there is no upfront cost to our clients in any of our business models, the ROI implications – and subsequent improvements in the quality of healthcare to the patients we serve - is staggering. 
The barriers to entry for competing companies are high. It would take another organization approximately 14 months to become licensed in every state.  Purchasing dedicated broadband and satellite usage would be very difficult to obtain at best. For the foreseeable future, this is our market, and as states mandate the use of telemedicine (42 states now provide some form of Medicaid reimbursement for telehealth services), and universities endorse us (we have eight deans from major medical universities on our board), Worldwide TeleHealth will grow while rising on the crest of the telemedicine wave.  Telemedicine is at the tipping point and the health industry is abuzz; without doubt our RPM and telemedicine solutions will continue to spread like wildfire across North America and beyond.  
With the current rise in smartphone usage and associated telecommunications technologies, it is inevitable that focus will shift towards a significant increase in utilization of telecommunications in the healthcare industry; Worldwide Telehealth is the fore-runner of this shift. This is an exceptional opportunity for an investor at this time, as success is imminent.
Rajendrakumar rara k

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