Seeking $15Million for 90 Days. Guaranteed Return + Agreed Large Fee

Humanitarian Project in India

We are partners on a huge project near Mumbai that will house over 30,000 people who are in desperate need. If we are successful in raising funds we will build 14,000 apartments, " Medical Centres, Factories, Commercial, Amenities and Infrastructure. This project will not only house the needy but also give them employment and to put it bluntly save lives.
Once we complete a block of apartments, the government will buy them to house the population.

We have a new build system, Evolution Construction Panels which is at the forefront of low cost, quick build, sustainable and eco-friendly housing. We will build a factory near the site to manufacture this system, ensuring that we complete the project in the shortest time.

We really do have an avenue of funding open to us but we are missing the vital key to start the process. 
I can send any genuine entity the parameters, but in essence we need a partner or funder to put up an initial sum or guarantee for a 90 day period so that we can fund this huge and important project.

Once this is started we will copy the model in other areas of India and Asia where the need is desperate.



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