Seeking 100% loan Join adventure for properties we have with 15-20% Cap rate

For properties with 15-20% Cap rate
90-100% occupied
Repairs not required
All a cross the country

Range $200K - $2MM

Required join adventure lender with 100% loan 


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Hello, I offer loans and funding of any kind but from $1,000 to $500,000,000.00. If you're interested to borrow Email me at

Contact for your loan at 2%

Work For Yourself, Not By Yourself
Earn Up To $5,000 For Each Client
No sales required. Refer them to us and we'll close the deals
Work With Experts, Over $100M Already Funded
Free Signup - Start Instantly

Our SecureLender™ program can bring 100% collateral to back your Lenders funds with AAA Bonds issued by Goldman Sachs, fully verifiable with CUSIPS, held in their name, in a licensed brokerage.

 PLUS...your Lender also receives additional interest income from the bond coupons from 3-7% annually.

 When your Lender uses our SecureLender™ program, their principal is 100% secured against loss and they can approve your project a lot faster.

  For more details, go to:

   Click the tab: "Secure Lender"




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