Looking for a portfolio loan that does not have to be to an LLC. Have several rentals in several states. 

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May can help here, but am curious as to why you wouldn't want to put the loans in an Entity?  It's liability 101.

I maybe able to help with this project, you can contact me at amckapropertyinvestments@gmail.com to discuss. 

*** USA Hard Money Loan Offer ***
All Loans Are “ NO DOC ” or “ LIMITED DOC ”
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To whom it may concern,'m Reggie Truss, The Loan Father. We would like to ask you some fairly straightforward
questions about what you are looking for in a portfolio loan, and give you a chance to pick my brains
so we can figure out whether we truly could add real value by working with you. If the answer is no that's
ok. WE ARE NOT FOR EVERBODY. Please contact us at loanfather336@gmail.com or 419-531-84

Reggie Truss


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