Hi if you are looking for Business funding for your Company we can help. Please read the below very carefully.
We can arrange 100%LTV for your Business and or Projects. Interest Rate and terms will be provided upon request.
No assets, credit check , or personal guarantees needed or requested. Project or Business must support the loan, You must also have funds on hand just as you would with a Bank or hard money lender, and provable cash on hand of up-to 10%, please note the higher the amount the lower your down payment. Closing's 10-15 days for anything under $10 million.
Whats needed to get approved for financing.
Name, Business name
5 year Pro-Forma and exit strategy
We will securitize your loan with assets available to the company, loan fee's and dispersal of loan proceeds are handled directly by Bank Escrow Attorney.
If interested please email with your information including Business plan.