Fix and flip investor needs funding for rehabs in Tampa Fl. 12% for one year.

Have house 149k with 250+k ARV. 40k for repairs.

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Good morning Mr. Bryant, thank you for replying.

As I stated earlier I am looking for private lending on a rehab in a very good area of Tampa.I have never worked with a private lender before and I will need your help to guide me thru the process.I will be looking at the house today and will be back in touch later in the day.

 If you need to speak to me I can be reached at 813-447-5293 at any time to discuss this further.

Thank you,


Fix and Flip Loan

Loan size $50,000 to $2,000,000
No Upfront Fees

Property Type: 1-4 family Non-Owner Occupied
Commercial Properties (case by case)
No minimum credit score
Average closing time line 10 to 15 days.

E-mail me or call (765) 236-6002

Best Regards,
Tony Chorrushi
(765) 236-6002


 Hi Tony, thanks for the reply.I will call you on Monday to hopefully work with you on some fix and flips here in Tampa.

I have over twenty years of experience in remodeling homes and would like to start my own investing.I have been remodeling houses for investors for the last three years here. My credit  isn't the best but I know what to do when remodeling and keeping to the budget.I hope you can help me get the funding needed so we can work on many deals and all of us make some money.

Warm regards,

clemente       813-447-5293

Hi Clemente,

If you have a credit score of at least 620, I have a lender that offers 12.9% interest only loans for investment properties.  Term is 12 months.  No penalties if you decide to pay off early.  Contact me at or 9136012618.



 Hi Diane, thank you for responding to my ad. Unfortunately My credit score is probably  lower than 620 at this point .I am willing to pay more for the loan if it can be done and hopefully build a reputation with your lender for lower interest on future projects.

If you think you can help please feel free to contact me at or call me at 813-447-5293

Warm regards;



Saw your post from November 25 and wanted additional info on your lender offering 12.9% terms.

I am a rehabber/flipper in central FL and have come across a property on the barrier island on the Atlantic coast.  It's a short sale and could be purchased for around $290,000, rehabbed for $25,000 and sold quickly for low $400s.  Any interest?  Please email me back if there is interest. 

Hi Clemente,

What else do you need to get a deal done?

Hi Bernard, What I need is the money to buy ,fix and flip houses.My credit is an issue but I am willing to split the profits 50/50 with you or anyone else.I am very experienced in rehabbing house and have plenty of references.If you or anyone else you know would like to joint venture with me please,let me know. I am in Tampa and Brandon, Florida.

If you like , call me @ 813-447-5293

What do you need to get a deal done?


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