We handle several types of acquisition deals:

Healthcare Facilities
Revolving Warehouse
Vacation Ownership/Timeshare
Receivable Financing
Mezzanine Loans
Distressed Debt Buyouts
Resort & Private Residence
Debt Restructuring
Portfolio Buyouts
Auto Centers
Bed and Breakfast
Funeral Homes
Day Care
Assisted Living
Adult Care
Self Storage
Car Washes
Bowling Alleys
Ice Rinks
Movie Theatres
Aircraft Hangers
Golf Courses
Country Clubs

We also can do the International deals starting at $10M, the bigger the better!
- Buyout
- Management buyout
- Growth financing
- Family transition
- Corporate divestiture
- Recapitalization

It’s time to sell your company. Of course, you want the best price possible. But there are other key considerations – character, experience, and credibility will all determine the certainty of a timely closing. If your company is a fit, we can help you get great value for it. Our financial wherewithal and the experience of our professional team ensure that once agreeable terms have been reached, our deal will close.
Management buyout
Is there an opportunity for you to buy the business you’re running? With our equity backing and financial know-how, you could finally benefit, personally and financially, from the value that you create. Done correctly, a management buyout is a win-win solution for the seller and the management. Our process is quick, and minimizes distraction and confidentiality concerns.
If you’re an owner, we provide immediate liquidity, and the confidence that the transaction will be handled professionally and confidentially. Plus, you can rest assured that we’ll work closely with your management to preserve all that you’ve built.
Growth financing
Your company has opportunities. Opportunities that require your management expertise, paired with substantial capital. Maybe you want to buy a competitor, or perhaps you could expand your product line or geographic reach. No matter how compelling the opportunity, exposing your company to excessive debt could put everything at risk.
We can buy a piece of your business to provide the equity you need. Don’t worry, it will still be your company – only now, you’ll have a partner who can help you make the most of your investment and take your business to new heights.
Shepherding a family business through an ownership transition can seem overwhelming, both personally and professionally. With the right partner, it can also be rewarding, not only for the family, but also for management and employees. We understand that your family’s personality drove the success of your business, and that legacy must be preserved through the transition. A financial return provides security for your family, while the experience ensures that your relationships with customers and employees continue to flourish.
Corporate divestiture
Are you a successful manager of a business unit within a large corporation? As an owner, would you do things differently? By partnering with someone to acquire your business unit, you could become an owner and simultaneously help your parent company streamline their business. And they’ll know they can expect a smooth transition to new ownership. Finally, with equity in the business you’re running, your financial success is tied directly to your operating success.
Recapitalization simply means that money and ownership are being shifted within your company. Typical objectives might include reducing debt, generating liquidity for a shareholder, raising cash to fund growth, or a combination of all three. By taking some, but not all, of your investment off the table today and reducing the business’s financial leverage, recapitalizations allow you to benefit from future growth with much less personal risk. Our approach gives you the flexibility to put aside a nest egg now, but continue to run your company and participate in profits as the company continues to grow.

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are a land development companies in Cyprus.


We are plans for 7 apartments and 4 luxury homes.


Need funding EUR 1 400 000.


Please if you can work with us ,


Please contact,



send me some info don estill estilldon@gmail.com

I'd like to send you a 1 page ES so you can tell me what you can do for me. In reply I'll want to know all the costs of your proposal for funding, including ANY payments required of me before draw down, estimated interest rates, etc.I do NOT want you to send me application forms (don't ever send me "No Name" forms) until we have discussed the funding. I'll expect to know who you are, and where you are, and how I contact you; I can't do business with a phantom!  And I'll expect that all information you give me is verifiable. If you are willing to work this way, please respond to heartlands@hotmail.com


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