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To Schedule An Appointment To Discuss Your Current Project, You  can contact me at:

347-770-0189 Mondays through Fridays from 10AM to 5PM EST.


Do Not Send Me Your Projects Without Calling Me First To See If You Qualify For My Fund  To Even Consider Taking  You ON As A Client.

Potential Borrowers Do Not Send Me Messages Either.  I Find Them to Be a Waste of My Valuable Time. I Am the Direct Financier!!!! I Sign My Own Checks PERIOD!!! Please Do Not Waste My Time With FUGAZI Deals!!!!

Don't Be Afraid To Pick up the Phone and Call me to Schedule An Appointment to Discuss Your Current Real Estate Project:  347-770-0189, Mondays Through Fridays 10am to 5pm EST.

Do Not Hide Behind Your Deals, It makes me Realize that You Don't Know What You Are Doing!!!!

 It will take me anywhere from 30 Seconds to see if we should proceed with our Conversation and 5 minutes to determine If I should Consider Your Real Estate Project.   Do Not Waste My Time with emails and Messages. 

Messages and Emails do not tell me anything about the Borrower and STOP HIDING behind Your Deals.  If you are Confident about Your Deals Then You Would Have No Problems Speaking About Your Deals and Demonstrating You Understand Your deals and Know What You Are Talking About!!!!!!

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