This is a very small request and a lot of you lenders wont need to bother, because it isn't so much of a money maker, it would be more like a pass forward type loan. First of all there is a retail building that has a store front that is required to give out these phones, the realtor has just dropped the price to $34k, I would offer them $30. I could pay it off in 10 years by leasing it out to a couple of people to do this business of passing out Govt. phones through Safe Link Wireless. I have the means to do the rehab of up to $5k then they are willing to pay $350 a month for the space. Here is a little bit about me. I was an Investor in Ft. Worth Texas and had a nest egg put back after having put my daughter through college and graduate school. I had 10 houses at the time, 3 ready to put up for sale, 4 about 2-3 months out and 3 I had just purchased and then I was hit with a disease that required a lot of money for hospital stays and prescriptions, not having any insurance. It was so bad I had went from a solid 165lbs. to just 99lbs., before my 70 year old mother and father came down from Springfield, MO(where I reside now) to take me home to prepare for the worse. That has been 10 years ago and I wasn't going down without a fight. I am blessed to say I have persevered through and disabled now but very much alive, And anyone one who has the Real Estate fever can't help but want something even if it is a little action. I again know this deal is beans but I am scared to jump back in to not be able to finish what I started again. My credit isn't good but my word is!
You can respond to or call me at 417-719-4527 for any questions, info or pictures