No Credit Score Required, NOO Residential Bridge / Rehab Program
This non-owner occupied 1 to 4 unit residential bridge / rehab program is ideal
for experienced investors and novices alike. We offer interest only bridge and
rehab loans for the short term flipper and require no credit score or report (as
long as the loan closes in an entity).
We also require no personal or property income, no primary residence ownership, no
appraisal and no investment experience. Purchase, refinance and unrestricted
cash-out loans are ok.
This program is currently available in: CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, MD, MI, MO, NC,
OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA and WV.
*Permanent (3/30) NOO 1- 4 unit loans are also available nationwide*
Term Sheet Requirements
Completed Application (That's it!)*
No 1003 or PFS | No Credit | No Tax Returns | No Rent Roll
*If closing individually or applying for the permanent program, a tri-merge credit
report is required (supply a 1003 for the permanent program also).
Rehab/Bridge Loans
$150,000 to $1,000,000 (+/- considered case-by-case)
12 Month Interest Only Term
No Tax Returns and No Financials
No Credit Score/Report Required
To 90% Purchase LTV (cannot exceed 80% of AIV)
To 100% of Rehab (cannot exceed 75% of ARV)
80% Refinance (an LTV reduction may apply when cashing out)
Unrestricted Cash-Out (no sources or uses required!)
No Prepay Penalty (no exit fee, no interest guarantee, nothing!)
2 to 3 Week Closing (with timely receipt of documents)
Please email to apply: