I'm diligently seeking borrowers with viable projects who have experienced difficulty in obtaining financing via conventional channels. If your business is organized and needs capital . We finance the following projects: Low income housing, Large-Scale Debt Financing, Small Business Financing, Apartment Equity Financing, Self-Storage Projects,Hotels and Motels, Shopping Centers, Commercial Land Developments, International Loans ETC. Your referral would also be appreciated.

Terms : Depends on the Deal

Rates : Case by Case bases

Closing : 2 weeks

No Credit history needed

Send your loan inquires to the email given below

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Upward Real Estate Investor LLC   Owner Edward  Barnes  Commercial Property 

Need Funding     Get in Touch with nMe, Thank 

Seeking funding for community redevelopment project located in New Jersey.  please contact, Leonard Nelson at  Thank You.

I tried emailing you but it keeps coming back to me. Send the details to i will respond from there.


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