My Client is Seeking USD500,000,000.00 (USD Five Hundred Million) in Malaysia.

My Client is Seeking USD500,000,000.00 (USD Five Hundred Million)


Epoch Energy (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (EEM) has been invited and offered an exclusive opportunity to Build and Operate 10 units 90TPH Palm Oil Mills (POM) with Refinery in the following locations:-

i.   Desa Bangun Purba Barat, Rokan Hulu in the Riau Province.

ii.  Kubu, Rokan Hilir in the Riau Province.

iii. Pujud, Rokan Hilir in the Riau Province.

iv.  Tanah Putih, Rokan Hilir in the Riau Province.

v.   Mandau, Bengkalis in the Riau Province.

vi.  Duri, Bengkalis, in the Riau Province

vii. Bantan, Bengkalis, in the Riau Province

viii. Muaro Sebo, Muara Jambi in the Jambi Province

ix.  Rantau Rasau, Tanjung Jabung Timur in the Jambi Province

x.   Dendang, Tanjung Jabung Timur in the Jambi Province

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) and a Supply Agreement for the Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) have been signed to this effect. Sumatera’s production of oil palm fruit bunch is rapidly out pacing it processing capacity owned by the majors. The lack of processing facilities has directly affected the economic livelihood of the small holders and the aspirations to alleviate poverty. The proposal to build and operate a palm oil mill in Sumatera is considered timely, supported by a strong supply chain of FFB due to local socio-economic factors and promising demand for palm oil related products. The proposal has obtained support from the regional authorities and oil palm small holders. The average plantation size at each locations is about 25,000 Hectares at varied state of maturity. These plantations belong to small holders who subscribe to a cooperative system called “Kooperasi Unit Desa”. (K.U.D.); which is registered under the Indonesian Cooperatives Act. Each location will involve about 70 -100 thousand individuals who will benefit directly from this project. There are written commitments from the smallholders’ cooperatives for the supply of the Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) which has been acknowledged by the Village Heads and the Heads of the Sub – Regency (Camat) and will be a minimum of 900 Metric Tonnes FFB per day/POM for the first phase; 45 Tonnes Per Hour (TPH) and 1,800 Metric Tonnes FFB per day/POM for the second phase; 90 TPH Palm Oil Mill. We have done our viability study to determine the volume of FFB available from the Regency for the proposed Palm Oil Mills and it is very promising. After our visits and discussions with the smallholders (masyarakat) and the officials from the Regency (Kabupaten) it has been agreed that a 90 Tonnes FFB per hour Palm Oil Mill shall be built at each of these locations (details are in the MOU and the Supply Agreement) on a Build, Operate, and Transfer basis where the Investor will hold 88 percent (%) equity and the locals Cooperative 12% equity (Nominal - With NO Board Representation) for a period of 17 years. Included in the MOU is an option for the cooperative to buy over the POM where at the end of the 17 years BOT period, the Palm Oil Mill will be handed over to the locals after a goodwill amount of 15% of the original investment is paid by the locals to the investor and the equity will be reversed with 12% to the investor and 88% to the locals for the life of the Mill (minimum 25 years with no end limit). The income of the Cooperative from the mill will be used for setting up a replanting fund, subsidies for fertilizer, loans for purchase of equipment and social development. The Mill has also committed to build a mosque, community hall, and clinic for the cooperative farmers A suitable piece of land for us to purchase with an area of Forty (40) hectares has been identified with a good water source for the proposed Palm Oil Mill, Kernel Crushing Plant, Fiber processing plant, Bulking/Storage facilities and a Palm Oil Refinery or Bio Diesel Plant. (We as Investors have the option to Epoch Energy (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. purchase this land with legal Title Deeds from the Regency). Any annual assessment or quit rent charges will be paid to the local government by the operator (investor) of the Mill. The proposed Palm Oil Mill will operate on an environmentally friendly basis where there will be completely NO pollution from the Palm Oil Mill and all the downstream operations. We are also negotiating with some foreign Companies for the sale of Carbon Credits under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG).This revenue has not been included in the cash flow tables. We will also develop a solar thermal and photovoltaic energy grid which will be paid for by CDM. All excess solids and liquids from the Mill will be converted to renewable energy/fuel or organic compost (Fertilizer). There will be NO discharge to any watercourse or landfill. The compost will be sold as organic fertilizer to the villagers / smallholders under the Community Development Scheme. It can also  be exported as a planting medium. These projects are designed not only as a commercial venture but also incorporate humanitarian, social development and sustainable development values. Listed below are some of the objectives we hope to accomplish:-

1.            Poverty alleviation

2.            Low cost Housing

3.            Electricity grid with emphasis on green tech And Clean water supply

4.            Multiple income streams on same land e.g livestock farming.

5.            Gender equality and commercial activities for women.

6.            Training and Education for children, women, farmers.

7.            Sustainable farming methods.

8.            Assistance with equipment/machinery purchase

9.            Infrastructure such as roads, mosque, church, school, community hall, clinic & ambulance

10.          Sports and youth programs, Orphanage, Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Women’s aid Centers

A Palm Kernel Crushing Plant (100 Metric Tonnes Per Day) will be built simultaneously to compliment the Mill operations and for value addition as all utilities like electricity, water, steam, compressed air etc. will be supplied free from the Mill. Crude Palm Kernel Oil is a very much sought after commodity for the food and Oleo Chemical Industries. The Palm Kernel Expeller Cake shall be sold or supplied to the villagers for rearing of cows and goats. We also have plans to build a Crude Palm Oil Refinery adjacent to the Mill as all utilities (Steam, Electricity, Water etc.) for the operation of the plant/s will be available free from the Mill. The Land, Palm Oil Mill, Palm Kernel Crushing Plant, Fiber processing plant and other expenses related to the construction and commissioning of each mill will cost USD25,000,000 (USD Twenty five Million), A Oil Refinery will Cost USD15,000,000 (USD Fifteen Million) and a Working Capital of USD10,000,000.00 (USD Ten Million) which is equivalent to about one (1) month’s operating costs will be required for the Mill operations. Each Palm Oil mill & Refinery together with Operating funds will amount to about USD50,000,000.00 (USD Fifty Million). We need a total of USD500,000,000.00 (USD Five Hundred Million) to carry out this project. Along with this, we are also in the final stages of obtaining all relevant permits and licenses from the local authorities for the setting up and construction of the Palm Oil Mill and the related downstream activities. We are in the process of registering a Foreign Owned Private Limited Company in Indonesia and also the approval of the Foreign Investment Committee (BKPM) in Jakarta for the construction and operation of the said Palm Oil Mill, the Kernel Crushing Plant and all downstream operations

Epoch Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Was setup to explore the sale and development of renewable energy products such and wind, solar, bio-fuels and other Green energy technologies specifically for the agriculture industry. The market for renewable energy products in Malaysia is at an infant stage but with the ever increasing price of Oil, we believe that the demand for such products will increase in Malaysia and the region. We have also decided to explore this opportunity in the palm oil industry in Indonesia. At the invitation of the Five Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) in Sumatera, we have made a feasibility study to validate the viability of building and operating a palm oil mills to service the plantations of the KUD members.


1. Mr.Suresh Kumar Hari Krishnan (Malaysian)

2. Mr.Sharmila Hari krishnan (Malaysian)

3. Mr.Dinesh Kumar

4. Mr.Rajendran Naidu


A special purpose Company, Beracah Valley Agri Pte. Ltd. (Company No. 201210562Z), has been registered in Singapore for banking and administrative purposes .


Private limited companies will be registered in Indonesia for the running of each of the Palm Oil Mills and related businesses. These companies will be owned by Epoch Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Either directly or through Beracah Valley Agri Pte. Ltd. Together with the individual KUDs. The shareholding of the KUD will entitle them to a share of the profits but the KUD will not have board representation and will not be involved in the direct running of the Mill.

This partnership will ensure the supply of FFB to the Mill as well as other forms of cooperation between the Mill and the farmers. The farmers under the cooperative program are bound by agreement to sell all their palm oil produce through the KUD.


1. Epoch Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (90% Shareholding)

2. Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) (10% Shareholding)

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