Many oil and gas wells for sale in Oklahoma


My company owns numerous oil and gas wells throughout the state of Oklahoma, we are currently looking to sell some of our assets. All of these wells have been purchased within the last 3 years and many have gone extensive work-overs and improvements as many were in inoperable condition at the time of purchase. Because of this much of the data that you will find online may be out of date and inaccurate, however if you are interested in any of these wells, to buy outright, or do a JV drilling/work-over, please contact me or the operator to get more details.


Anton  (917) 886-9471 


Carol #1                                              Asking price: $25,000

Sec 22 T12N R5W

Canadian County, Oklahoma

This well is 9,000 feet deep and comes with acreage and reserve report for $750,000 worth of recoverable oil and gas

Current production: 10-15 MCFD


Horntown Lease                                 Asking price: $350,000

Said lease is described as 320 acres in Section 32, Township 7N, Range 10E in Hughes County, Oklahoma

Total production is 8-9 BOPD + 60-70 MCFD 

All wells are less than 3,000 feet. There is a negotiation in process now to sell deep rights for $300+ an acre, we can sell now and have buyer do the deep rights transaction or close that deal and sell wells based on production at a cheaper price.

Wells are all operational and in good condition.

Monthly Operating Expense: $1500



Shulter Lease                                      Asking price: $200,000

Said lease is described as 257.37 acres in Section 7, Township 12N, Range 13E in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma

Total production is 4-5 BOPD + 50-60 MCFD 

All wells are less than 3,000 feet.  Wells are all operational and in good condition. Some additional upgrades can be done to increase production. Several wells are missing equipment and can be brought back online for increased production.

Monthly Operating Expense: $1500


Leviev Leases                                      Asking price: $600,000

Total production is 15 BOPD

All wells are less than 3,000 feet.  Some wells are all operational and in good condition. Some additional upgrades can be done to increase production. Several wells are missing equipment and can be brought back online for increased production.  Most of the wells have work over potential and Spears, Denise and Payne leases have deep rights that can be sold to gas company that is currently drilling and buying deep rights nearby.

Monthly Operating Expense: $2500


Neil well                     Asking Price $150,000 100% WI (wellbore only)

Section 6, Township 11N, Range 14E Mcintosh County, OK

1 new well that needs the 20-50K to complete it and open up new zones.

Injection well on premise and runs of gas

Depth 3500 ft

potential production 200+ MCFD

no acreage, wellbore only

All equipment is new and in good condition

1 gun barrel, 1 water tank, one 210 oil stock

NRI is 80%

100 % working interest (total) 3 partners own it, buyer gets 25% WI

Total expense is 0$ at the moment, but can be up to 500$ per month for operations

Well has 5 zones not perforated, bottom zone has oil and 2% oil cut (2 BOPD for 50 BOWPD) will need a 15-20K investment to put on pump to get oil.


Rema Sessions & Sessions #1                        Asking Price $150,000  100% WI (wellbore only)

Section 5, Township 11N, Range 14E, Town of Checotah, McIntosh County, OK

Production is about 150-200 MCFD, however due to flooding a work over and gas pump is required which will cost about 20K. (there is a water injection well hooked up to these wells)


Tiger Mountain                      Asking Price $900,000 for 100% WI

Estimated reserves needed on hand for potential repairs and upgrades: $60,000-$500,000

Asking price for the whole mountain (including full 100% equity of rema, scesions & neil)

40 producer   1 disposal
Wells make 120 MCFD (not counting the new ones we drilled which make 100-200 MCFD on their own + the new Neil well which is not complete yet)
Water pump runs on gas engine (runs off its own gas)
7 sections of leases = 4480 acres

On average 80% NRI
all gas runs through one master meter
1 gun barrel in great shape
wells range from 800-3000 feet. All wells can be deepened and at least 50 new ones can be drilled for about 50-100K each with similar results to rema/scesions wells which went from inactive to 100+ MCFD, at a cost of 80K for the two.

After purchase whatever the deal is, assume that an additional 200,000-250,000 $ in reserves is needed to go and do work-over on old gas wells and or drill a few new shallow ones to increase production. Because of deep drilling going on in surrounding areas we assume that we can sell deep rights (below 3,500 feet) to a company that’s doing deep horizontal drilling (at just $200 an acre this lease would recoup $ 640,000 or $ 960,000 @ $ 300 an acre)

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