Looking for renovation/remodeling NINA no credit loan

I am looking for a renovation/remodeling NINA no credit loan for SFR house

Property location is North Metro Atlanta Suburb, Georgia

The purchase price is $185,000

Cost for renovation with 2,200+/- sq. ft. extension will be $220,000 +/-

Total after repair sq. ft. 3,000+/-

ARV from $580,000 to $650,000

Please email me at GlobalLendingBrilliance@gmail.com



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Hi  Vassi Karson ::

Please visit USA ECC Entrepreneur Capital Corporation for your related funding application directly :



David Lee

Thank you David but I'm looking for a renovation loan and not a business loan.

But thank you anyway for the information.

Hi Vassi/Becky

I have send you an email proposal from hard Money Lender from GA, can you pls take a look? or did you apply in the website link I gave you? Our contact guy already knows ALL the details of your deal and we have an agreement so If you or your clients apply directly then he will knew that is the deal I sent them...Let me know asap...

Hi Vassi,

Take a look at this one and let me know by email or text if you would like to secure this funding.   

Thank You

Dwight Shook

Email dshook6495@embarqmail.com

Mobile 239-839-0754

Rehab and Fix to Flip Loan Program

Ideal for builders, contractors, rehabbers and investors…

  1. Finance 80% of purchase price plus rehab budget to 65%of ARV
  2. 7.99%+
  3. Interest only
  4. Term: 12 to 24 months
  5. No prepayment penalty after pay 3 months interest
  6. $250,000 to $100 Million per project
  7. 620+ credit score
  8. No experience required
  9. No tax returns or income verification required 
  10. Close in 3 to 5 weeks
  11. Property types: 1-4 unit residential, condos (detached/townhouse style), multifamily to 20 units per building platted with address), mixed-use & commercial 
  12. Nationwide
  13. ​No upfront fees…

Get Funded NOW…


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