Hard Money McKnight's

                     Residential Properties (seasonal investor)

 $50,000 to $5,000.00
Loans are usually up to 65% Loan-to-value (LTV) based off the After-Repaired-Value (ARV);

100% of acquisition/construction can be financed no problem; for seasonal investor with good fico score

                         Commercial Properties
$250,000  to $100,000.000
Commercial loans up to 65% loan to value (purchases do require 35% down)
We offer our clients access to the most advanced loan products in the residential and commercial real estate industry. Whether you are in need of short term financing, such as a bridge loan or hard money loan, or your needs are more long term such as construction or permanent financing, we will work with you to structure a transaction that will meet or exceed your expectations.

Horace McKnight, CEO/President

Hard Money McKnight’s  Funding

108th   Street Queens NY 11375

Office: 718.218.5554 Residential Loans

Office: 917.740.4292 Commercial Loans

Fax      877.675.2960






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No cash down payment needed. No earnest money needed. No credit needed .No monthly payments.NoLoans to repay.Well your company  buy with CASH and Split resale profits 50-50?



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