Looking for Financing for Client for Virginia Residential Loan

Client has score around 590 - 610.  Looking for financing for home loan $130k.  Great stable job. 


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if the client can come to the table with 35% I have a lender for them and of  coarse the project will be going under a business name you can email me a time where we can discuss your clients options peterson@teamnyinc.com

Hi Jackie,

Hard Money Mike 443-838-9563

up to 80% Investment, 65% cashout, 80% Commercial

South Ft. Myers FL. Since 1971. fishermike50@gmail

all 50 states. JUST LIVING THE DREAM!


Good morning. My name is Felix and I am a Finance Specialist. We can help you.
Call my partner Courtney Lawrence and she will talk to you about the kinds of funds we provide. Also go to our website. For any questions please to hesitate to reach us.
Courtney Lawrence:
Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949) 309-2731


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