Looking for Equity / Capital for Silicon Valley Multi Family Developments

Super active silicon valley has need for fill housing for 48000 new jobs being created in the next few years. needles to say housing supply is being met with huge demand. we have two small projects, fully entitled, shovel ready and need equity/capital as we operate as fee developers. total need is $12M plus for 22% leveraged returns

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I'm a broker at Eastern Union Funding, I would love to help finance this project and any other deals you might be working on. We are still getting rates in the low 3's and work with close to 50 different lenders very closely. 

I will deliver the best the market has to offer and will have feelers within a day on any deal.

I will not let you down.

I look forward to hearing from you and building a strong and long relationship. 

Thanks so much in advance! 

Have a great day! 

Leah Pollack


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