I am a direct private lender with own funds, I can help you secure a loan at an affordable interest rate without any hassles and with minimum documentation required. I offer financing to all credit situations, good or bad. Before you contact me kindly ask yourself the below questions and if you are confident of the questions below then I would help you secure your requested loan?

Can you be trusted?

How fast do you require the funds?

Are you capable of paying back?

Here you talk and I listen.


Serious Investors only..


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ineed a loan to buy land and houses on land watch, anyfees, i have that will buy them , can u helpme?i can payback, if the payments arent too high? thnxh letmeknow?vh

I am looking for asset-based financing.

Property is in escrow.

40-unit motel, 2 mobile homes and 2 SFH, all on the same land.

The numbers are these:

Purchase price $799,000

Gross income $412,000

NOI $188,000

This is a ten-cap market…so the value of the property is $1,800,000

Seller is retiring, doesn’t need bulk cash, and is willing to carry a second of $399,000 @6% for 3 years.

I need $460,000 for the balance of purchase, closing costs and some cosmetic fixes.

I will refi in 3 years and consolidate to permanent financing.

Please let me know if interested.    or 925-643-5119

Good Evening,

I hope all is well.

I am looking for an $8,750,000 equity based loan secured by 213 acres +/- acres valued $17,500,000.

Property / land has real estate attached.

I need to close in 7 -10 business days.

Property Attributes

The property address is 140 Aubrey Dr. Butler, PA..

The property includes a 18 Hole Golf Course (approx. 110 acres ), approx. 105 acres of vacant development land, Clubhouse, Tea House, and associated Maintenance Buildings.

All of the land with the exception of 33 acres is zoned R-2 ( 8 units per acre).

A $1,000,000.00 + Clubhouse, 60 Golf Carts, and Tea House along with golf course maintenance equip.

The property and land is owned free and clear of any liens and held in a Family Trust.

Legal Description of Property

060-2f104-13E, 060-2F104-13F, 060-2F104-23DAA, 056-4-1, 056-4-2, 056-39B.

These parcels are located in Butler and Center Twp.`s of Butler County, Pennsylvania.

Requested Loan Terms

Non-Recourse Land Loan - Quick Close is the type of loan requested. (7-10 Days)

$17,500,000 Current Market Value.

$8,750,000 Requested Loan Amount (50% LTV).

1 Year Loan Term.

10% Annual Interest Only Payments.

(The entire one (1) year of interest only payments will be prepaid at closing so that there will be no interest only payments due during the one (1) year loan term.

One (1) Point paid for Loan Origination Fees.

If Land Finance Group LLC has an interest in approving our loan request to purchase this property and need more information, please email me with the request and I will secure the requested information.

Exit Strategy

Property will be refinanced after one (1) year to repay requested loan amount.


Property will be purchased for humanitarian purposes and to be developed for assisted living facilities.

Note: All property information provided by Seller.

I look forward to answering any questions you may have via email in order to receive a preliminary decision whether or not Land Finance Group LLC is interested in financing our purchase of the above property.

Best Regards.


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