Leveraging Securities, Money Funds & Mutual Funds to invest in Real Estate

Need money to invest in commercial real estate?

We can process accounts as low as 150k but our sweet spot is $2mm and above.

Virtually no maximum limit.

We can leverage the following:

· Securities
· Money Funds
· Mutual Funds

Anything except cash, private stock, or physical assets for this particular program.

If you have access to any of those items we can arrange access to an account in about 5 working days if everything goes as usual.

The client has to pledge securities in the account and can borrow against those securities. The lender determines your available credit based on the value of those securities as well as the eligibility.

The investments in the account are not frozen and can be managed or traded as long as there is sufficient collateral to support the loan.

The funds can be used for either personal or business reasons.

The interest is charged on a per diem basis on only the outstanding loan used.

The rate is based on a spread on the 1 month LIBOR rate which currently is approximately 0.57%.

The rate is adjusted weekly. Depending on the size of the account a substantial discount of the spread can be applied.

For example I have clients that are under a 2% rate and originally started less than 1.5% recently.

There is approximately a 4 day approval process.

For more info or to apply for the credit facility contact info@michaellewisgroup.com

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