Loan parameters we look for include at least 20% borrower “skin in the game,” and loan to values that typically don’t exceed 65%. Rates range from 9.9% to 14% and points run between 3 and ugly.


I repressent Private Money Funds that are anxious to make unconventional commercial loans. If you’ve been out there shopping for finance with traditional banks and lenders, you know it’s almost impossible to get finance. With the banking collapse of 2008, lenders, particularly commercial lenders, have run scared. With me, the process is simple. Call or write with your loan scenario and within two days, I’ll tell you whether we can do the deal or not. Sometimes the “or not” is as important as a yes. I WILL give you honest input and suggestions garnered from over 30 years and $700 Million in funded loans experience. Whether it’s a fix and flip or commercial building, raw land, or even your proprietary trademark, I might can help. The advice is free, and we’ll establish a relationship that can benefit both of us.

For more information contact: Kelly Bowlin at 951-287-0383

Or visit my website at

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Dear Kelly,

 We wish to introduce you to Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA).
ADIA is currently partnering with reputable firms, organizations and private individuals through development of viable projects and taking advantage of investment opportunities globally. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) is a globally diversified investment institution that is wholly owned by the Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. ADIA manages a diversified global investment portfolio across more than two-dozen asset classes and sub-categories, including quoted equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, alternatives and infrastructure.

Currently, ADIA wishes to re-invest its multi-billion dollar portfolio of local, regional and international investments globally through third party investors on a conventional loan basis of 3.5% interest rate annually throughout the duration of the funding period. Considering ADIA's long tradition of prudent investments, ADIA's decisions are based solely on its economic objectives of delivering sustained long-term financial returns. ADIA does not seek an active role in the management of the companies in which it invests, we only offer to extend funding on viable projects globally that can general up to 10% ROI per annum.

ADIA is an equal Global investor,as all interested parties with viable projects from any part of the world are welcome.

Best regards,

Hamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Managing Director
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
211 Corniche, PO Box 3600
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Dear Hamed,

I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Kelly Bowlin and I represent private investors/lenders on commercial projects across America. My company is Private Money Affiliates ( My sources fund on unconventional properties with pre-established conservative guidelines:

1. Borrowers must have minimum of 20% of their own cash invested in a project.

2. Maximum loan to value is typically 65%

3. Loans are made on terms between 1 and 3 years between 9% and 16%

4. All loans require an appraisal or Broker Price Opinion at the discretion of the lender (like you)

5. My investors (like you) insist on visiting EVERY property either personally or having me do it, and as we call it "kick the tire" with pictures and an on-site visual evaluation of condition and location.

I've been in business as a broker over 30 years and have funded over $700 Million in closed real estate loans. I'm always looking for long-term relationships and would love to work with you on future funding projects. A meeting would be preferable but I'd be glad to talk on the phone.


Kelly Bowlin


Office in California (PST)

I not only represent a fund, the owner of the fund is a personal friend that has allow me to market and underwrite their program; first this is not a line of credit or an joint venture with a 50/50 split. This nationwide program is a swift solution (3-5 day to fund) for real estate investors with no advance fees to worry about. Thank you, I welcome working with you.


    Lending for Real Estate Investors Nationwide (Short Sales, REOs, Auctions)


  • 100% of the Purchase base on a 60% ARV
  • Property Types: 1-4 family, wholesale purchases, short sales, REO, Multifamily, Mixed Used
  • Terms: 12 Months Interest Only with No Pre-Pay Penalties
  • Fico 650, experience will always trump your fico or your financials
  • Rate 10% to 13%, no monthly payments
  • No tax returns or Bank Statements requirements
  • Points 2-3, points that can be rolled inside the loan
  • Loan amounts: $50,000 to $5M
  • The loan can be refinance or flipped: No Pre-Pay Penalties
  • 24 hours for an email quote
  • Contract issue the same or next day
  • Funding: within 3-5 days


Resume, 1003, Breakdown of the rehab, recent appraisal or BPO or comps






Have a Powerful Day

George R. Mallory,

VP of Finance, Underwriter

Mobile: 917-653-5215

Fax: 917-591-4601



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