
we can talk about the new real estate deal your working on at the moment, before making arrangment to transfer the amount of money you need to complete the deal.

email: info@michaelthomasltd.com

Loan amount you can borrow: $15,000 to 30 million

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Hi Mr.Thomas my name is Ronnie Lampkins  i am an investor in the Chicagoland area looking for funding,i am currently

looking to buy and hold for two years a three bed 1,1/2 bath 1200 sq ft. SFR.After the two year period i will put it up for

a LEASE/W OPTION to purchase,the asking  price is $57,000 the ARV is around  $95,000,nice quiet area,if interested please email me at lampkbusiness@gmail.com thank you and have a good day!



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