Please let me know what you require for 70% ARV lrehab loan in Oregon.



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Jennifer I saw your request.  I cannot help you myself but I have a lender that might be able to.  They do 70-75% LTV loans.  If you like you can email me at  We can chat and I can send your the info.


Thanks Greg.

Basic Questions Needed

Applicant Full Legal Name(s): *
This is a required question
Applicant Full Address: *
Applicant Phone Number: *
Applicant Email Address: *
Applicant Employer:
Anticipated Borrower Full Legal Name (If different from above, such as an entity, LLC, etc):
Type of Loan Needed:
 Rehab and Rent (Refinance is the main exit strategy)
Anticipated / Desired Closing Date:
How much cash do you have to put down on your hard money loan request? *
Subject Property Full Address (If applicable):
Subject Property Estimated After Repair Value (If applicable):
Subject Property Purchase Price (If applicable):
Subject Property Estimated Repairs Required (If applicable):
Subject Property Description (Such as the property type, #units, #beds, #baths, #garages, current condition, any other useful information): *
Total Loan Amount Requested (Points, interest reserve, closing costs, etc, may be able to be wrapped into the loan depending upon the individual circumstances and LTV): *
Exactly what is your exit strategy on this loan request? What is your back up strategy if your main exit strategy doesn’t work out? *
Please briefly describe your real estate investing experience: *
How many properties do you currently own? (Or how many properties does the borrower currently own, if different or applicable). Please include primary residence: *
Comments / Questions (Please note, most FAQs can be answered on this 
With these basic questions we can issue LOI
Within Same Week
Close within 20 Days
Only Expenses to Borrower
Apraisals, Loan Docs, No Upfront Fees to Lender
( Would like if property was under contract)"/>"/>

I'm sorry that email address didn't work

Not sure why it did not go thru.  That is my correct email.  I looked to see if I sent it right.  Can you try again please?

What is the loan amount being requested Jennifer?


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