I have one deal in South Carolina with 20% cash down payment. Loan amount will end up around $210k. I have another with 10% down in Bellevue, Washington. Loan amount of about $520k. The guy in Washington has completed 2 flips in the last 12 months. The one in SC is new to flipping, but has a better down payment. Any direct lenders out there?

If I don't respond don't be offended. The owner  of this website is also trying  to find me a good option for these but he suggested I make this post to see if you guys can do better than he can for these clients of mine. I'm looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer for fix and flips!

Thanks again!


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Louis. I'm pretty sure that Monty is better connected than I am for fix and flips but if it helps, I have a direct lender that I have used several times, located in Seattle. I would love to send them details of your Bellevue deal. I don't have an option for South Carolina. Let me know! You have my number.

Craig Mayes

Hi There :

Send your Executive Summary & other related funding information to davidwklee@davidwkleeglobalfunding.com for our immediate perusal.


David Lee


Hello sir, i got you post, sorry for the late responds, i am a mortgage broker, i can connect you to a legitimate lender who can fund your deal please give me a call on. 949-287-3367

Hi Louis :

Please visit USA ECC Entrepreneur Capital Corporation for your related funding application directly :



David Lee

Hi Louis,

We can help you with both loans at an affordable interest rate. Our lending terms are very easy, quick and convenient.

Please contact us at lntinvestmentsllc@gmail.com and you can also give us a call 7026745698.

Thank you!



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