
Renovation Funders NEEDS more investors.   If you can help the rewards can be great, as you could positively impact the lives of investors who hear about us thanks to you…

As you know our investors fund renovations in partnership with owners who need to renovate their properties to sell for TOP DOLLAR.  This partnership can prove so MUCH safer and profitable for investors than traditional real estate investments.  

Kindly forward this email along with Your Renovation Funders ID(when you register, you will receive an ID) to anyone who may be interested in a great, safe return on their money for years to come. 

If you are an interested investor then to receive email notification of investment opportunities to consider as they become available simply…

Opt In Here: ( as an “Investor” (using the Sponsor ID forwarded to you by the person who send you this email)


***Disclosure:  If your sponsor is the first to refer you to us they can receive $1,000 each time you acquire one of these investments in the future.  They may need to buy you a few dinners :)

We Appreciate You!

The Renovation Funders Team

Ps   IRA holders may REALLY love these opportunities.


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