I’m looking for investors to partner with that are looking to flip multiple properties and need someone with my ability to make sure the project is profitable. With my background as a Master Carpenter, Cabinet Builder, Project Manager, Estimator and a great communicator I can keep the projects on track and get it done quickly. I was also General Manager for the last 10 years for a large Exhibit Company. I’m a self-motivator and have a can do attitude. INTERESTED contact me at randy@randphomesolutions.com

Please see profile on www.linkedin.com/pub/randy-boutté/68/471/85b/

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Hi Randy,
I am in Palm Springs. Let me know your experience and willingness to JV in sending me deals on properties for sale - either needing rehab or not. And only if you are direct to seller. thanks, Ana

I’m looking for investors to partner with that are looking to flip multiple properties and need someone with my ability to make sure the project is profitable. With my background as a Master Carpenter, Cabinet Builder, Project Manager, Estimator and a great communicator I can keep the projects on track and get it done quickly. I was also General Manager for the last 10 years for a large Exhibit Company. I’m a self-motivator and have a can do attitude. INTERESTED contact me at randy@randphomesolutions.com

Please see profile on www.linkedin.com/pub/randy-boutté/68/471/85b/


Hi Randy,

I understand that you may be looking to be as project manager or so.

I will keep you in mind. If you come across deals and you are direct to seller or buyer,

let me know. I also broker Notes, and also get funding for RE purchase and rehab.

Be well,  Ana

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