I am an investor with an optioin to buy a amall SFR in zip code 40216, Louisville, KY. Need $32.000 to close

I have some buyers that would take it on a lease/option as-is within 30 to 60 days. I would probably need the fund for 120 days or a year Would pay for a minimum of 6 months if the interest is right. PVA on the house is $70,000+.

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Thanks for your reply. I am looking for a $32,000 loan. I can handle all of the closing costs. You of course would get a first position lien on the property. I would be interested in negotiating the terms with you. If we can find a meeting point, I will be looking at other deals that we might need your help in financing.


David Wade



 My name is Felix and I am a Finance Specialist. We can help you.
Call my partner Courtney Lawrence and she will talk to you about the kinds of funds we provide. Also go to our website. For any questions please to hesitate to reach us.
Courtney Lawrence:
Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949) 309-2731


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