Get Your Loans To All Members Of The REIA's with The National REIC

The National REIC is looking to Partner up with a Hard Money Lender.

The is an Organization that is currently growing and has 20+ clubs in approx. 10 states and will continue to grow. We have current deals we need funding for in Palm Beach County, FL and Chester County, PA.

Let me know if you are interested in the current deals we have call for more information or visit us online. We are looking for a lender in PA or in FL in those Counties + a partner lender that can lend in Multiple States. We have 5-6 deals looking for funding now and we have a lender we use just looking for cheaper money. Contact me for more information. If you lend in Chester County, PA or Palm Beach County, FL. and/or other States where our member clubs are located.

John Zwirzina


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