Integra Financial Services is a A+ BBB accredited Company offering new venture business investments and Private Hard Money Lending Services. Areas of interest include property development and real estate, health care, education and training, mining and exploration, energy, oil and gas, technology, software development, agriculture, manufacturing, finance services and leisure.


For personal loans, small business loans and start-ups, We offer credit of up to $500,000.00 at the interest rate of 4%.


For C-Level companies, Investors, large equipment and real estate projects, Integra Financial Services offer credit of up to $500,000,000.00 depending on inventory and/or other collateral.


Their interest rate is 4% to 10 %, the maximum loan duration is 1-15 years for $500,000.00 credit offer and 1-30 years for $500,000,000.00.


Please email us and provide us with a comprehensive Business Projects/Proposal and we will review for possible approval and funding.




Direct Line: (702) 613-0673

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