We Invite Investors for Investing in our Warehouse Project.Total project cost USD25 million approximately.You can contact us on mcspltd@gmail.com with your  interest and funding procedure.

We will be happy to provide full details to genuine Lenders.

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Dear Gary

Please check my email .


zarifa rizvi

i just emailed you. I am direct to funding sources that may be able to help you.

We are direct to lender and can do this faster then most. Would love to review a detailed project summary and executive summary. Please include your contact number so we can talk and get this funding to you. There are no upfront fees.

Therin Hill, MBA


Dear Therin Hill,

Thankyou for your response.Please check my email for the further discussion.





I got your post to check my email, but received no email?



We have been having email issues all day, and I thought they were fixed, but I guess not. Please send it to tnjholdings@gmail.com.


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