We are stepping up our efforts to take on more properties and turning our attention to Bank Owned and Auctioned off properties, buying properties in bulk our ultimate goal. Looking for funding that is more property driven instead of credit driven. We are full time investors with a small staff who are able to locate and turnover properties rather quickly.
Casale Properties and CP Investments
What kind of properties and what type of funding are you looking for?
I have private investors, very experienced, with substantial liquidity.
If interested, please contact me
I have a program that will fit your investment mode. Please send a executive summary for lender review and we
can move forward.
Best Regards,
Arnold Walker
Hi Darryl, I can't really offer you a line of credit on unseen properties, but I can offer you and your partners each an unsecured business credit card up to $250,000, non-recourse, and no-doc. It is completely driven by your credit, so it would have to be good. If one partner has so-so credit, another one can co-sign for him or her. There are no up-front fees, and the interest rate year 1 is 0%. It is a good product in that it separates your personal credit from your business credit and also gives you access to the cash you need to act quickly in real estate transactions. If you are interested, please go to my website, www.securecommercialfg.com and see what my group is all about. Thank you for your time!
Krista Birardi
Please find attached information on a funding program. Upon review should you be interested contact me.
Arnold Walker
Are these residential properties? What amount are you seeking? Are you interested in hard money? If you are, we can help. Feel free to contact me by any means below.
Skype: copelon
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