I am seeking 24 month financing on small commercial duplex in Wisconsin. Storefront/2bed apt. Have Renters for Both on "Rent to Own" contract. Income $800 per mo.

60% LTV. 35K needed. Appraised at 56K Hard money OK

contact me: resolutions.wi@gmail.com

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Call Sam Thomas at Paramount Financial Partners (515) 554-5541 on Monday

We like to with you, send me your detail. go to: http://www.wblgroup.net and fill out our forms.

Thank you!  I will fill out the forms. Do you have a minimum credit requirement?


Go to our website: http://www.wblgroup.net and fill out the Contact Information, download the Rehab Loans & Small Balance Loans Forms and Fax Back to Us. We use the 1st mortgage as collateral.

I call you Monday if you need help.


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