Our company seems to be deal rich and cash flow challenged! We have the opportunity to acquire and control a $3.5B (Lloyds of London Essayed Value) mining operation for very little investment capital. We know the owner (who inherited the asset and knew little about its value). There are over $20M in outstanding orders, two companies waiting to submit additional orders and most operating equipment on site for immediate launch. Your $5M secures the working capital needed to service debt and generate immediate revenue. More information is available upon request. Preferable funding terms: $5M, interest-only installments not to exceed 12% for 6 months, with balloon repayment due at the end of the 6th month term. Longer financing terms also explored for equity or other viable plan. Please reply to kevin@rehudgroup.com should you be able to fund within 15 business days and desire a face-to-face transaction.