I am direct to a group that specializes and provides earnest money deposits for direct Rehabbers,Flippers,Mobile Home Park and RV-Park buyers,commercial& industrial investors,wholesalers and etc directly and only and available to these direct principals in all 50 states.

$2,500(minimum)-$50,000 Maximum
Quick Funding decisions
Not a Loan: No points,no interest,no monthly payments,no up-front fees or costs
Maximum time for use of funds is 30 days.More time can be made available on a case by case basis.
Available in all 50 states
Can have the EMDs provided within 48-72 hrs providing all required information is provided.

If you are in immediate need of Earnest Money Deposits and are one of the direct principals that we seek to do business with as indicated above,then contact me for more information and to get started.Again,do not contact me unless you are one of the above principal clients above.

You can reach me at: donmoneybiz@gmail.com for more details and what is needed to get the EMD's thru my direct group.


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Replies to This Discussion

Hello ..Do you still have available the EDM program.......if so I am interested in it for several projects to put offers on

Thank you in advance for your response



Von,if you are interested in my sources EMD,send me a email to: donmoneybiz@gmail.com and provide me with details or overview of your need for the EMD and are you the direct client.

Don Carter


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