Get the maximum cash available for all of your real estate or business needs. No restriction on the use of funds. Use for down payments assistance, purchases, rehabs, closing costs, gap funding or general business purposes.
We are the "Out Of The Box Lender". We are the experts to go to when you have talked to your local bankers and you are getting no where. You are tired of worthless traditional financing and you are seeking 'above average' amounts of $30,000 to $150,000 personal loans/CASH (unsecured) and funding amounts exceeding $200,000 in a combination of personal loans, lines of credit, and or credit lines. This is not just 'any' type of loan/funding service. We do our best to make sure that we get the maximum funding we can for our clients and protect their credit too. We are one of the few companies out there that actually offer true cash loans and not just a bunch of credit cards.
For more details please email, call 949-215-7183 or visit
Thank You,
Michael Haines
Loan Specialist