Hi. My name is Dustin Rose and I've set aside some funds to become a direct lender on some projects. Here's my terms

1- 50/50 equity split

2- Will lend up to 90% of the purchase price

3- Will lend on deals with 40k minimum net profit ($200,000) or less

4- Will look at higher end deals on case by case basis

5- Require 1st deed of trust

Dustin Rose



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This is probably not your typical style of deal, but do you ever loan money on owner occupied with an adder for business operational loans?

What I am looking at is a non-traditional loan of $500,000.00 for the purchase of a home (somewhere in the $285 - $350 K range) with an additional secondary loan on the property in the $150,000.00 range, so the end loan amount would be anywhere between $435,000.00 to $500,000.00.  The entire package would be secured by the home/real estate purchased.

My goal would be to purchase the property, make any improvements to enhance and or maintain positive value on an ongoing basis.  I would also use the funds to further business operations (System Automation, Energy Automation, Engineering projects, etc.), with the home being owner occupied (Washington state).

I believe a fair term would be 15 years at 11.5%, but am willing to work within any mutually agreeable framework.  I would make one request, that I not be penalized too much for an early pay off.  Having this type of backing would enable me to make the best purchase possible thus optimizing the equity value to debt ratio as best as possible and with the noted rate your investment should be very productive within the term.

Thank you,

Chet Johnson


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