USA only - for lenders with a bare minimum of $10mm current loan portfolio

For bridge loan, SFR and MF lenders.

Two programs:

$10mm - $40mm

2-4 yr term

For lenders specializing in :

Bridge loan, SFR and MF REOs, NPLs, ABL / Factoring, small merchant and equipment loans

60-90 day process


$10mm - $100mm

For lenders specializing in:

Auto and consumer receivables finance, commercial real estate loans, SFR investment / vacation properties lending.

General Terms (could provide some flexibility)

·60 month (24-month revolving period / 36-month amortization period)

Ability to advance during the 24-month period, then the line will term out by itself in the next 36-month period.
·Floating Interest – 30L + 425bps – 475bps
·1% funding fee – capped at maximum total commitment (i.e. $50MM total commitment, max fee is $500,000)
·Advance Rate – 60%-70%
·Renovation/construction holdback – TBD%

If there are renovation or construction costs in some of the deals structured, we would hold back at TBD% and fund based upon work completion verified. Very similar to a traditional construction loan facility.


What we need to start the process:

· Presentation deck
· Current financials
· Historical info of loans they originated showing total # of originations, total commitment, paid off, IRR, etc. – this would be helpful. If you have that info on the presentation deck, that’s great too.
· What’s the current equity structure of the company?
· Current loan pool - what’s it comprised of in % and total amount of portfolio
· Underwriting sample(s)
· On company letterhead simple request for LOC amount of X$.
· Complete principal contact information : Tel / cell, email

Here you'll see many of the loan types we offer:

For more info or to apply for the credit facility contact

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